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American Revolutionary General Marquis de Lafayette visited Chelsea on August 31, 1824.

Chelsea400 Committee

Aug 31, 2024

A Historic Chelsea Moment Recaptured 200 years later

"Marquis de Lafayette (1757 – 1834) was born in France to a wealthy noble family. When he was two years old, Lafayette's father was killed in battle against the English and as a result, his mother needed to move to Paris. Lafayette’s care fell to his grandmother, whose generosity and altruism influenced the boy’s forming character.

Fueled by lingering French resentment of the British after the Seven Years War and inspired by the noble cause, 19-year-old Lafayette cast his fortunes — both figurative and literal — with the American pursuit of liberty. 

Lafayette was injured in the Battle of Brandywine, but his tactical cunning and fearlessness in battle helped to save the Revolution on many occasions. In 1779, Lafayette returned to France and helped to win formal French support for the American cause. Lafayette came to Williamsburg during preparations for the Virginia Campaign of 1781. At Yorktown, Lafayette helped to corner Britain’s Lord Cornwallis, whose surrender after several days of siege was a fatal blow that ensured the American victory.

After the American Revolution, Lafayette returned to France where his popularity soared as he navigated the tenuous line between the angry subjects and the monarchy. Lafayette authored the celebrated Declaration of the Rights of the Man and of the Citizen, and advocated religious toleration and the end of slavery."---

Many years later, United States of America President James Monroe invited the last surviving General of the American Revolution, Marquis de Lafayette as an honored guest. On August 31,1824, Gen. Lafayette arrived in Chelsea, MA, he was received with wild adulation and later made his way to several cities and states. When asked by hosts how he wished to be introduced to his audiences, he replies: "As an American General." ---The American Friends of Lafayette

"Since the end of WWII, an American flag has flown on his gravestone in France. Every Fourth of July, the flag is changed in a highly orchestrated ceremony attended by French and American dignitaries."


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